Friday, February 20, 2009

Shoe glue making the workers sick

The glue that the shoes are made with are seriously making the workers sick. They are getting pains in there noses, some of them are close to death. How would it feel to have inbarrable pain in your nose just from breathing? Its so sad that people know they are putting their lives in danger and there health but still they feel like they can not live without the little pay they are getting. In a video we watched in class we saw many almost all the workers working with the harmful glue without gloves, with out face masks, so there skin is being burned whenever it touches there skin, they are breathing in these harmful chemicals thats making them sick and the watchers arent even asking them to wear them for saftey. Its almost like they know they've already been exposed so why not...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The horrible working conditions you would not want to work in

The working conditions in the sweatshops your shoes were made in are unbarable! Many of people are getting very sick. Sometimes the sickness is deadly. The workers working with the glue for the soals of the shoes is a very strong chemical burning there noses, they have lots of pain just breathing! They pretty much risk thier lives to make these shoes. A pregnant women was punished for asking to find other work other then the glue afraid to maybe have trouble in her pregnancy. I mean, these conditions are unfair to these people. And its not like they can go home after a long hard day at work to a nice clean house and rest, they arent paid nearly enough to even buy themslelfs food along with sending their children to the doctors if it was needed.

Nikes refusal to change sweatshops conditions

Nike is well aware that there are sweatshops and the condtitions they are in and yet they dont want to do anything to change them!
I say we just put them in the swetshop and let them work for a few days in the same conditions people living in third world countires are working to make such a big hit product for such little pay and abuse. Would that make them want to change it? Im really wondering what it will take for them to actually do something about this.
Is it worth changing or is it not worth changing to them?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan the blame for whats going on in the nike sweatshops?

Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan have been blamed for beong part of running Nike sweatshops but do they really have anything to do with them or not?
I believe that they dont and that its not there fault that Nike have sweatshops full of women and children. They do indeed advertise for Nike however that does not mean that they have anything to do with the sweatshop or even know about them.
Nike does not manufacture its own products. It only designs and markets them. About 550,000 workers are employed in 700 factories in 50 countries to make Nike products, the majority in Asia. The contractors tend to pay close to the minimum wage. This cheap labour enables Nike to spend a great deal on design and marketing, pay large executive salaries, maintain large profits, and still keep the cost of the shoes affordable to the middle classes in affluent countries. Shoes that cost $16.75 to manufacture are sold for around $100 in the US.
Nike spends more money on advertising and promoting the reputation of its products than most other companies in the world - $1.13 billion in 1998. Celebrities, such as Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, are paid huge sums of money for their association with the company's products. In 1998, for example, Nike paid Tiger Woods $28 million and Michael Jordan $45 million.
Both Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods claims that they had no clue that there Nike was running sweatshops.

Child Labor In Nike Sweashop.

Nike is very well known for sweatshops, but what really goes on, we cant tell for sure.
"The multi-billion dollar sportswear company Nike admitted that it blew it by employing children in Third World countries but added that ending the practice might be difficult. "
"Philip Knight, the company chairman, clearly stung by reports of children as young as 10 making shoes, clothing and footballs in Pakistan and Cambodia, attempted to convince Nike's critics that it had only ever employed children accidentally. "Of all the issues facing Nike in workplace standards, child labor is the most vexing,"
Child labor really sticks out to me. So many young children working there childhood away. In the factorie there are many toxic chemicals floating around in the air making many workers life threatning sicknesses. These children should not have to risk there health and life at such a young age. I believe that every child should be being a child. I believe that they should be playing in their back yards and not working there life away.